Custom eCommerce Website Maintenance & Updates

Project Description

eQuilter owner and co-founder Paul Rubin came to Pell Software seeking assistance with their home-grown custom PHP eCommerce website. They were first and foremost working on updating the PHP version that their eCommerce application runs on from PHP version 5.4 to 7 and Pell Software assisted them in handling errors and warnings that surfaced due to the update. Pell Software then continued to support and maintain the website, adding new features and improvements throughout the site.

Major Features

  • Update code throughout the PHP application to address warnings and errors caused as a result of the update to PHP version 7.
  • Add dynamic structured data elements to the product pages to serve as Google rich snippets to begin listing the products on Google Shopping.
  • Update product page design and layout to fix CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) issues and improve SEO via Mobile Core Web Vitals scores.

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